Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mind, Body & Soul Session (#33)

Give more than you take

“It’s better to give than to receive”, that’s probably a phrase we’ve all heard more than once in our life. But how do you give something away you have not yet received yourself? How can you be a generous contributor when the whole world is trying to take everything away from you? Life/work/family/friends are taking your time, your resources and probably anything you might have to spare.

Isn’t it funny how we associate generosity with the giving of things we have loads of? But generosity is much more than searching out pockets for extra cash, volunteering our spare time, or donating our surplus stuff. Being truly generous is not about giving away the things we can spare; it’s about recognizing the needs of, and caring about others in a way that makes you want to find ways to give more. Generosity doesn’t have to come in the form of cash, it can come in the subtle interactions you have each day, interactions like holding the door for people, forgiving someone, being patient, letting others go first, greet a stranger, being humble, smile, show an interest, pay attention, or just simply praise someone. See? You don’t have to have in order to give; you just need to give in order to receive.

Huh? That doesn’t sound right “Give in order to receive”……we aren’t suppose to keep score, are we? You are so right! We don’t give to receive, but as you begin to give more of yourself, you increase your capacity to give and to experience love, joy and happiness. Generosity is like a muscle, the more you use it, it the stronger it gets. The more good we do, the more we are able to do and the more joy, love, happiness and smiles we are going to receive in return. So, go out there and love instead of having to be loved, comfort instead of having to comforted, listen instead of talk, forgive instead of having to be forgiving, be there for someone instead of needing someone and give instead of receive. Give more than you take… generous!

Oh and in case you find this too hard, don’t worry. Giving away some of the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years is fulfilling too. Giving something away, even your spare cash, can bring you deep abiding joy :)

Be generous, spread some kindness and have a great Sunday!


Phil said...

Yeah, it is good to put out of your mind the taxes that go 'somewhere' that we HAVE to pay, so to give something willingly to a known cause is nice.
I donate to a few charities every month by direct debit and would like to get involved with animal wellfare etc, but we'll see.
I like to give my niece and nephew pocket money too, when I remember, as they really appreciate that... But I shy away from the thanks and gratitude they show; is that odd? I guess I'm not good at taking compliments or the likes of.

Dakota said...

Shying away from a compliment, a “thank you” or their gratitude isn’t odd! Many of us have been conditioned to dismiss compliments and feel uncomfortable because we often think compliments aren’t sincere or that we are unworthy of praise. No one is unworthy and most compliments are sincere, so, accept them with a smile and just say "thank you", "my pleasure" or whatever is appropriate :)

Oh and keep being generous, you are doing great!

KJ's muse said...

I think being grateful for whatever you have also tends to lead to greater generosity. And for those who can't spare money, time is a scarce resource in this busy world and one that's really appreciated!

Dakota said...

I totally agree with you, KJ’s Muse. The easiest (and cheapest) gift to give is time. I don’t have a lot of money to spend right now, but I can still be generous with all the spare time I have. The people I help out, spend some time with, talk with and listen to, really appreciate it :) It’s great to give generously!

Being grateful for whatever, tends to lead to a lot of things. Not only does it lead to greater generosity it also changes your outlook on life, the way you feel about yourself and makes you a whole lot happier :)