Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mind, Body & Soul Session (#34)

Instant Mood Busters

We all have to do our (daily) chores and errands. Some of them are fun and others are really horrible. Some might even be so ghastly that they never get done. A shame really, because getting things done, completing a task, crossing it of your list, can make you feel like a winner and can give you a big lift.

Here are some tasks you can complete in a mere 5, 15 or 30 minutes. Pick one whenever you have some time to spare, and watch how it gets the ball rolling.

5 minutes to spare……

Write down some chores you’ve already completed, just so you can cross them of your list.

Water your plants.

Have a look at all those receipts you keep in your wallet or your purse. Throw away every single one you don’t need anymore.

Eat a piece of fruit.

Clean your mirror and say “Hello, beauty!”

Make that doctors/dentist appointment you've been putting off for ages.

Make your bed

Write checks for bills that are due next month

Make a fun appointment. Call a friend, a relative or a acquaintance for a fun appointment to look forward to.

Order tickets for that play or concert you want to go to.

15 minutes...

Apply a facial mask

Empty all the garbage bins and take out the trash. Oh, and don’t forget the 3R’s - Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Iron one of your favourite things.

Clean out that drawer, you know the one with all the dried-out pens, old notes and receipts, dried out elastic bands, etc. Don’t haven one? Clean your sock or underwear drawer instead.

Answer an e-mail.

Replace one of your regular light bulbs with an energy saving one.

Meditate or do breathing exercises - relaxation is an assignment too.

30 minutes to spare...

Weed a flower bed or mow the lawn.

Read one chapter of a book.

Buy birthday cards or gifts for all the friends and family members who turn one year older next month.

Swap your framed pictures. Replace some of the older photos with photos of more recent memories.

Call that person you've been meaning to call for the past three months or write (yes, by hand) a letter or card to a friend who lives far away.

Surf the web to gather ideas for your next outing, weekend trip, theatre visit or vacation.

Give yourself a pedicure

Turn off your cell phone, close your e-mail, and enjoy 30 minutes of quiet and go for a walk.

Whatever you do, have a fantastic Sunday :)


b o o said...

i like:

water your plants
eat a piece of fruit, or a whole one, be adventurous :)

smile into the mirror, should suffice :)

put on a facial mask

answer an email

read some parts of a book

quiet time

p/s how was your sunday Dakota?

Dakota said...

I had a brilliant Sunday, Boo. The weather was really Spring like, so I went for a 3 hour walk, ate an apple and a banana, read a few chapters of the book I am currently reading, answered an email (or two) and just relaxed :) I hope yours was lovely too.

b o o said...

i watched 4 hours of "heroes" with my bf then we swam for an hour followed by a long lazy-ass nap :)we headed to mackers for my ex-colleague's 3-year-old boy's birthday party. it was chaotic but fun end to our sunday.

it was great thanks Dakota HUGS

Anonymous said...

Receipts gone
Bed made,
bills up to date
Cropredy tickets ordered
Reduce, reuse, recycle. by Nicky Scott is on my desk,
Recycling is outside ready for collection,
M does the ironing (she insists)
email up to date,
light bulbs all low energy,
March is gone :90% of family birthdays out of the way;-)
Book read,
If I change the pictures around, M changes them back;-)
Thanks for that

Max said...

Went for a long walk had a pub lunch caught a steam trained and had a laugh and joke with friends. Great day out

KJ's muse said...

Some great ideas. Now if ONLY I had those few minutes! Just kidding....

Dakota said...

It sure sounds like a great Sunday, Boo

Oh my, you have been busy, Lord Hutton and maybe you should not change the pictures but just add a few new ones :)

And the weather was quite nice too, Max Sound like a great day out!

Just shutdown your PC, KJ’s Muse ;-P

KJ's muse said...

Ha! I just realized, completing a meme counts! ;)

Dakota said...

LOL! KJ's Muse :)