Monday, September 04, 2006

Mind, Body & Soul sessions (#12)

Stop Mindless Eating, Start Eating Mindfully

Do you find yourself continually reaching for that second helping, taking nibbles and bites while you are cooking, filling dinner plates to the rim, finishing leftovers, staring down the contents of your refrigerator waiting for something to beckon to you, or finishing meals in record time? If the answer is YES! Well then it is time to congratulate you, so here it is Congratulations, you are now officially a Mindless Eater. Hmm… congratulating you does not feel right; actually I should offer you my condolences. Mindless eating is bad….BAD, because mindless eating can lead to eating amnesia. This means you cannot accurately remember what and how much you actually ate. It’s hard to keep track of how much you are eating when you are doing something else like watching TV, cooking, reading, checking your email, or talking on the phone. Plus the kind of food that you can easily eat when you are multi-tasking is usually food you can pick up with your fingers. Unless you eat celery sticks or fruit, most finger foods are high in calories. And hey, just because you can’t remember what you ate and all those calories that came along with it, doesn’t mean they aren’t real.

A lot of our unhealthy eating behaviours are simply bad habits, inherited from our parents or influenced by our environment. But these little habits can have a huge impact on how many calories you eat each day and ultimately, how much you weigh.

So, maybe it’s time for a change and maybe it’s time to examine your relationship with food, which can be both enlightening and liberating. And maybe, just maybe, it’s time to end the mindless eating and start to eat mindfully.

Your task, if you want to change you eating behaviour: Dedicate this week to paying attention – and I really mean pay attention- to how you eat your food. That means no snacking because you're upset or bored, no eating while standing in front of the fridge or preparing your meals, no grazing mindlessly while staring at the TV or your computer screen and no turning meals into multitasking affairs.

Instead of wolfing down a sandwich at your computer, take 15 minutes to truly enjoy your meal. Sit down, push everything else aside, give yourself plenty of room and actually taste what you're eating. Think about the food you're putting into your mouth and consciously chew, take pleasure in every bite. Eat slowly and stop when you're comfortable. Remember that as your food reaches your stomach, you will feel full. Eating slower helps you eat less, by simply slowing down and taking the time to truly enjoy your meals, you can trim calories too (now, isn’t that a great plus :)).

So, in short, Eating Mindfully is all about paying attention? Yup, Eating Mindfully is all about paying attention to what you eat, when you eat, where you eat, how it taste and controlling what goes in your mouth when you're stressed, upset, or just plain bored. Sound easy enough! But still, you have to be smart and some tips might come in handy, so here are 3 tips that will help you during moments of weakness.

Plan Ahead – You can’t eat it, if you don’t have it: In a moment of weakness or boredom, there's nothing easier than grabbing the Ben & Jerry’s from the freezer (or your snack of choice) and devour it. But what if indulgences like that aren't in the house? If it isn’t there, you can’t eat. Stock your kitchen with fruits, vegetables, pudding cups, frozen fruit bars, and yogurt a.k.a healthy snacks!

Treat Yourself To A Treat from time to time: There's nothing wrong with an occasional treat, they often make eating healthy a little easier. Whether it's a small bag of chips, a handful of M&M’s during your favourite TV show or an ice cream cone on a warm day, giving yourself permission to eat it removes the need for secret binge sessions.

Stay Active During TV Time: Keeping your hands and head occupied can keep you from the television haze-induced snacking. This doesn’t mean you have to stay active all the time, but when you feel a snack attack coming on, don’t snack, do something else instead. For example: exercise, knit, or do a crossword! It doesn't matter what it is, just keep busy and keep your mind of the snacks!

Now go on……Eat, Drink & Be Merry, but above all….Mindful!!


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Sound advice! But not having stuff in doesn't stop me from craving bad things and trying to come up with an equally calorie-heavy alternative - even if it is homemade (Bananas with toffee is a favourite when the sweet tooth hits!)

One other thing I find useful is to drink water when you are feeling peckish. Quite often it's dehydration rather than hunger that's causing the pangs and downing a pint of water can often suffice.

Dakota said...

LOL! Aoj, you are very creative when it comes to food, I see. I would go for just the banana (or some other fruit) without the toffee :)

Drinking water is always good, even if you are not peckish….. It’s good for your body, skin and overall condition :)

kat said...

After all the food on the cruise liner it is definitely mindful eating for me this week.

Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous I'm Andre, it just isn't working for me! You are right on message dakota. You can snack but on the right things, like a banana, yoghurt, here in France I've learnt I can snack on just a piece of plain bread. Or my favourite a yoghurt/banana/oat/orange juice/soja milk drink!!

As for watching TV and using your hands and head. Er... well call it a one track mind but that would depend on what you are watching ;)

Dakota said...

Oh, I guess they had great food on the cruise then, Kat :)

Wow, great disguise, Andre ;)
You are a creative snacker too I see, the drink sounds great!
And you do have a one track mind, what is going on with you lately ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry dakota, I think it goes with artistic inspiration, or something like that!

Annoying, I don't know if it is the beta version or cookies on my PC or what, but I can only comment anonymously. I get sorry we can't complete the operation if I sign in.

Dakota said...

LOL! AndreI think you are right; it probably has a lot to do with being artistic and creative!

Sorry, that you can’t log in. I have the same problems with the “old” blogs! I can’t log in because my old blogger account is deleted and the "old" blogs do not recognize the new gmail log-ins stuff. So, now I can only leave comments by using the “other” or "anonymous" option. Anyway…thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, I know it can be hell sometimes :)

Phil said...

Yup, all very true Dakota!
I'm really a dog at heart and would just eat and eat until I felt ill, but I control it very well nowadays and do all the low / no salt, very little fat, low cal stuff, 5 portions fruit and veg a day, 2 liters of water etc etc etc ZZZZZZZZ
I do feel much bettter for it, but I constantly crave fatty crap food, but know it's gross so stear clear!
I think I am now a 'Mindful Eater'

Dakota said...

Hooray, DoGGa Another mindful eater! :) Good for you!!

When I first changed my diet I would have those cravings for fatty food too, but now I get sort of disgusted when I see fatty stuff. Not big on the sweet snacks either, sugar starts to taste kind of odd when you hardly use it.