Monday, May 22, 2006

12 Questions - Heart and Soul MeMe.

1. Are you superstitious?

2. Do you believe in telepathy
Yes, I believe that people can communicate information from one mind to another.
3. Do you have recurring dreams which keep your mind busy?
Check this

4. Did you ever wanted something with all your heart and soul? If yes, when and what was it?

Yes, now! I want
that job!! :)
5. If you were another person would you be friends with you?

Yup… absolutely :)

6. Let’s imagine that the world end tonight. Who would you visit and what would you tell them?

There are so many people to choose from. Can I have a party and invite them all? No? Oh! Well, I guess I would visit one of my male friends. I don’t see him a lot but he is very dear to me. I really think he changed my life for the better.
7. Did you meet your soulmate?
Looking back, I think I did, but it was so scary I ran the other way. Well, I was only 16 at the time :)

8. If you could live your life again, would you do it differently?

This is a tough question, but I wouldn't change a thing. All the things I did, made me the person I am today and I like me!:)
9.What do you regret most?

10. Do you pray?

No, I am not religious.

11. When did you last cry?
Two weeks ago and it felt great.

12. What are you passionate about?



zoom said...

That's exactly how I feel about regrets - every mistake helped to shape me into who I am today, and I'm good with that. On the other hand (I'm a Libra, there's ALWAYS another hand) there are circumstances in my life I wish were different, and they would have been if I'd done things differently. For example, if I'd sold those JDS stocks before the bubble burst, I could have a house instead of a stack of worthless stocks. Sigh.

Phil said...

Great MeMe YouYou

Phil said...

Where does this come from? I can't seem to find a site, as I want to give it a go myself! ;-(

Wow, you regret smoking! Do you smoke now, or do you regret ever smoking?

I smoked for about 12 years, but gave up and I haven't had one for 8 months this Sunday! *Good Dogga*
I'm sooo glad I stopped and can't believe I smoked for so long, but there's addiction for you!

Kayla said...

I met my soulmate and dated him for 3 years...he asked me to marry him, and I didn't think I was ready to be married yet.
Long story short, we broke up for good 1 year later.
I've been kicking myself ever since.
I suppose I should consider it all worked out for the best, but for the life of me I don't believe that!

Dakota said...

Hahaha Zoom! I am a Libra too, so I know exactly how you feel when you say there is always another hand. I can remember certain circumstances too, which I didn’t like or would like to see different. Unfortunately these were things that happened to me and I have no idea what I could have done differently to prevent them.
Sorry to read about your stocks, is there any chance the price will go up again, or is it still going downhill?

Thank you, Phil,Phil

Huh? You can’t find it anywhere, DoGGa?? That’s odd………NOT! I found these questions in a magazine. They publish 12 questions every month. In my opinion very interesting questions, because some of them really make you think about stuff.

I regret ever smoking. I smoked for 10 years or so, gave it up and was a non-smoker for 3 years. Started again and smoked another 3 years and quitted again September, 5th 2005. Wow, it has been 8 months for me too. Well done, DoGGa and Dakota :)

Wow, Kayla, sorry to read that! It’s a shame when things don’t work out the way they probably should have. Ever thought of giving it another go (if that is possible)?