Monday, May 08, 2006

Stuck with it for five years.

I needed to get my picture taken because I have to get a new ID card this week. In my opinion there is nothing worse then having your picture taken. Okay, there are things, far worse, but I can't help it, I really, really hate the whole process because I always, okay not always, end up with stupid and awful pictures.

Saturday I was feeling quite optimistic though. I had a good hair day, my skin looked at its best, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, so what could go wrong on such a beautiful day. I jumped on my bike and went to the photo shop. Unfortunately they don’t allow photo booth photos on official document here. Before entering the shop I checked my hair and face and I was feeling very confident about the whole experience. Saturday was going to be a good day for a picture.

I entered the shop and went straight for the counter and said that I needed some pictures for my new ID card. A very bored looking guy asked me to follow him and we went into a little, non inspiring, room with a digital camera, a stool and a screen. While I was sitting down, the guy gave me instructions like “Back straight, shoulders back, look straight at the camera”. I just sat down and started to ask him something when I heard a click. Me: ‘you didn’t take the photo already now, did you?’ He: ‘Yes, it is on the screen now’. And indeed, my face was shown on the screen. Eyes almost closed, mouth open! Foh! Me: ‘You can take another one now surely?’ He: ‘Oh, you don’t like this one? Well, I take another’. Take two came by surprise too……result eyes completely closed. Still hopeful I said to myself: Third times a charm! I inhaled, exhaled……click! Damn……horrified I looked at the screen! There I was, with puffy cheeks. This wasn’t happening…… not today! But of course it was and the guy suggested that I should keep this one; at least my eyes were open! Me: ‘You’ve got to be kidding, right?’ But he wasn’t! I persuaded him to give it another try and he did. Result? Again terrible!! The lighting: really bad, my skin tone: much darker then I actually am, it looks like I have cheekbone implants, my eyes have a strange, somewhat annoyed, expression and my mouth ….. well, I actually can’t find words for the look. I was so fed up with the whole experience that I, in a momentary lapse of reason, agreed to these pictures. I paid my € 7.95 and left the shop with my photos, which I actually almost forgot.

I have looked at the photos a couple of times and I still think they are hideous and I am not even sure if they (municipal officials) are going to accept these dark pictures. If they don’t accept these I have to go through the whole ordeal again and if they do I’m stuck with this picture for five years. I am still not quite sure which is worse :)


Rayya Ghul said...

I always imagine you as having perfect healthy glowing skin (like you've just come in from cycling in the cold), smiling sparkling eyes, short dyed(tastefully) blonde trendy mussed up hair, fairly tall and lanky, slightly boyish figure but very feminine and brown or green eyes. No photograph would do you justice! lol

Phil said...

I'm convinced they (we all know who they are) do not allow good picures of people to be taken. On my drivers license it looks like I'm ready to whack someone. I'm not even Italian!

kat said...

Dakota - I bet they don't look as bad as the passport photos I had taken today. I think I am going to try again tomorrow. It wouldn't be so bad if they let you smile just a little bit. I look so miserable when I am not smiling.

Phil said...

Now that made me chuckle!
They can't be that bad; why don't you post one and we'll see?

My passport photo is awful, as I was self-recovering from an incurable disease called cryptosporidium and THEN I got flu because my immune system was so low. I had to get my Dad and bro in law to fill out my passport details, as I was too weak even to write, but had no choice but to get my photo done at a booth to enable me to go to Amsterdam for work in the few weeks. Luckily it expires in 18 months! :->
Go on, give us a peak and I bet we all like it!

b o o said...

like i said to kat, my passport/ID/drivers licence pic looks like a deranged psycho killer on drugs :p

Dakota said...

Oh, that actually made me feel so much better, Stu. Thanks :) I feel sorry for the little men though, maybe I’ll start a liberation front :) Something has to be done!!

Funny…. You got it almost right, Snowqueen. I don’t have perfect skin, far from it. On good days, I have smiling sparkling green/grey eyes. My hair is short, mussed and I dyed it chocolate brown recently, but it’s sort of dark golden brown right now. I am certainly not tall and lanky, I wish. I am only 1.68 m. (5.5) :)

That must be one horrible picture, Phil ;) I have no idea what that looks like, you always smile that warm smile in all the pictures I have seen :)

If you show me yours; I’ll show you mine, Kat ;) Over here they encourage you to smile. Very nice when you are young, but when you start to wrinkle it is different story :)

You chuckled, DoGGa? You are not allowed to chuckle here ;) Believe me, they are bad :( Probably not as bad as yours, though. I can’t imagine going through all that when I am sick. And fyi…..I already posted one, you can try to Photoshop it back to the original :P.

Boo, when you flutter your lashes and smile one of your lovely smiles, you could commit a murder and still would come away with it :)

kat said...

I've published an old passport photo, Dakota, but not the new one. :-(

Dakota said...

Thank you Kat. I'll post one old one that is :)