Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Organize this!

Two weeks ago I was looking for one of my favourite recipes, but I wasn’t able to find it. Not so surprising since I have recipe boxes and plain boxes full of recipes, folders filled with torn out pages from magazines and newspapers and a lot of downloaded recipes. Over the years I collected dozens and dozens of them. Usually I can find the recipe I am looking for quite easily because there is a system, well sort of, in all that chaos, but recently one of my friends was looking for something and he really made a mess of things. Result: I can’t find a thing! Time to start organizing my recipes I thought.

First I collected all my recipes. OMG, I never knew I had so many. Then it was time to put on my sorting hat while I started to sort out all my recipes into categories, such as salads, side dishes, meat, poultry, vegetarian, pasta, fish and desserts. It’s amazing how much stuff you collect over the years. I was also amazed by the fact that I had incomplete recipes. How on earth did they end up in my recipe jumble? I was even more surprised to find a lot of recipes that had lost their appeal all together. Peoples taste really change over time.

At the moment I am in the process of putting all the recipes on my computer. I found some free Dutch software and it is really great. You can create menus and shopping lists. And as a bonus there is even some nutritional information. Woo Hoo!
There is one downside though; there is a lot of typing involved. It’s a dirty job, but someone gotta do it :) And hey, it’s not all in vain; in the end I’ll have a marvellous recipe finder on my computer. more recipe chaos!


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I started a blog with some of my favourite, more inventive, recipes, but I don't up-date it very often. Let me know if you want to add some of your favourites to it as I take contributions!!

kat said...

Yes. I was going to suggest a recipe blog so that we could all benefit from it. "Cooking with Dakota" :-)

Anonymous said...

We could do a team recipe blog!

Andre Veloux said...

And I thought it was only blokes who were hopelessly addicted to cataloguing and trainspotting?

Yes I think a blog with recipes is the way to go. Couldn't we all join in like zoom says?

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Well I'm happy to adjust my Blog if anyone wants to join in.

Dakota said...

Oh my! I think I started something here. What a response. Thanks everyone!

I know you have a recipe blog, Aoj :) I’ve visited it some time ago and again just now. You have some mighty interesting recipes there :)

LOL! Kat. I like Zoom!’s suggestion. Why not create a team blog? That way we can all contribute and benefit from it :)

I don’t think it’s a guy thing, Andre. I just don’t like clutter. As long as there is a system I can find everything. If you like you can join in :)

Aoj, it looks like some people are interested and willing to join in.
I am game! :)

Phil said...

My blogging buddy and pal Kees has just started joining in this. I'd sure you'd be more than welcome if you wanted to participate:

I did a mean lamb dinner the other night; I was well pleased as I'm shite at cooking :]

faerie said...

Any vegetarians in this mix? I love cooking and love finding new good vegie recipes... I have a few good ones myself I think :)
Good luck with your project Dakota. :) Make sure you see it through; it's something I'd start and then never finish. It will be well worth it in the end...

Dakota said...

Ah poor lamb! DoGGa, how can you eat a lamb? :( They are so cute!!
Oh well, at least you made a nice yummy dish out of it, so it didn’t die in vain :)

Thank you, Faerie.
I am not a vegetarian, but some of my friends are, so I have vegetarian recipes too. Some of them are really yummy. I bet some of the others have vegetarian recipes too :)

Phil said...

sounds delicious