At first I thought it would be nice to travel back in time, travel back into my own personal history. It would give me the opportunity to relive all the fun things that happened when I was younger, mostly things I can’t remember because of the bad stuff that happened later. It would also mean a chance to see a lot of people again. On the other hand, what would happen if I changed something in the past by accident, that would probably mean a different future (or should I say: present), a different me and I like the me I am now. So later on I thought it would also be nice to travel through world history or visit something like the dark ages or the early 1900’s or some other time, just to see how life really was way back when. On the other hand, it wouldn’t be a time I would like to get stuck in.
Maybe the future is more my thing, I thought to myself. But how far would you travel? 50 years? Would the world be really that different in 50 years? Maybe the year 2277 would be more interesting? It would be great to see how things would evolve, but on the other hand it could turn out to be one big disappointment too. What if there would be even more wars, more poverty, everything we know today didn’t exist anymore. Or what if the world was one great, perfect happy paradise-type of world, wouldn’t it be hard to leave that behind when you travelled back to your loved ones in the year 2007.
In the end I think I would like to stay put, no time travelling for me. I’ll let the future surprise me, it’s like unwrapping a little gift everyday.
What would you do?
The possibilities of time travel are profoundly disturbing. What if you travelled only 10 seconds forward? What would that be like?
I am reading a book called "The Arrow of Time" at the moment. It is making my brain bleed.
What if we travelled in time all the time, without knowing it Lord Hutton? It would explain that weird thing called déjà vu.
Yeah, travelling into the future would be a little scary. I sometimes think I wouldn't mind going back to the earliest years that I can't remember, but nah, I think I'll stick with the present.
We are real adventurers, aren't we KJ's Muse? ;)
Oh I'd love to time travel, into history and into the future, but only as an observer. I'd even be happy to stand in one place through a fast-forwarding of all time, and watch it all change, like time-lapse photography. But if I could only pick between the past and the future, I'd most like to see the future: about 150 years from now. I wish I could live forever.
right here right now :)
Oh, that is a cool idea, Zoom! Just stand there and observe time speeding by. I would like to see that too :).
If I ever find the “elixer of eternal life” I will send it to you ASAP!
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate on the present.
There is no time like the present, Boo
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