Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cartoon Tuesday: Is age an issue?


KJ's muse said...

Yes, it IS, snort. Even though I've always said that it's silly for women not to reveal their age, I actually found myself hesitating yesterday when typing the number. Go figure. Although in my case it has more to do with the awareness (embarrassment?) of what I haven't yet accomplished in comparison to my peers.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Age isn't an issue for me. Although I have to say that I am always slightly taken aback when something reminds me that I am actually 42. I'm not quite sure how I got there so quickly! I just feel quite pleased that I've managed to get there without a wrinkle or a grey hair and look a little bit younger (at least, so everyone tells me!).

I think it's more about how you feel and I feel ageless really. I obviously feel older than when I was a teenager but then, how are you supposed to feel at any given age? It's very much an individual thing. I know some people who are old before their time and others that will remain a teenager all their lives!!

Dakota said...

I actually forget my age half of the time! When people ask my age, I have to think really hard before answering to make sure I get it right. Sometimes I don’t feel like giving my age, so I reply with “old enough” or “ageless”, but as most of you know I am 41. That old? Yep, that old ;) Just kidding, it isn’t old…. It’s just another number! I believe that in today’s world, people carry a very negative attitude towards age and aging and that’s a shame. Age should not matter, what matters most is how you feel, how you carry yourself and who you are.

Don’t be embarrassed, KJ’s Muse. Maybe you shouldn’t compare yourself to your peers that much. You are living your life and not the life of others and in the end it’s your happiness that matters :)

I like the question “how are you supposed to feel at any given age?”, Aoj. A question I can’t answer, but maybe we should not feel any different after a certain age. Maybe our 30’s, 40’s and 50’s are basically the same. Things will probably change again when we hit mid 60’s, or not. We have to wait and see I guess

Anonymous said...

I once spent 6 months thinking I was a year younger than I was.
You are as old as you feel. I often feel like I am the youngest person at a meeting, even though clearly I am not. I think this may be because most people take work more seriously than I do, making them seem more mature, and me less so.

Dakota said...

That could just as easily happen to me, Lord Hutton. I need to count and then recount to make sure I give them my right age. I think it’s just because age doesn’t interest me that much. I rarely ask people about their age.

Stay a bit immature, it’s charming :-)

KJ's muse said...

Just for the record, I agree or can identify with everything that's been said up above, in spite of my first comment. :))

Dakota said...

Duly noted, KJ's Muse :)