Thursday, December 21, 2006

4 days and counting!

‘Are you stressed yet?’ one of my friends asked yesterday, and my answer was ‘No, I am actually quite relaxed!’ I said. She looked at me with surprise, because she almost has steam coming out of her ears. She is going to have to entertain 20 people in the next couple of days. Luckily I opted for a relaxed Christmas this year.

I am having a small informal party for close friends on Christmas Eve. I don’t have to get a lot of groceries in because every one is going to bring something. Just for fun we are going to play a dice/gift exchanging game (maybe I’ll post the rules later!

On Christmas Day I am going to have a friend over for dinner and we are going to cook, sing and have fun together. Not sure what I am going to on Boxing Day though, I could visit my family, go to the beach, have brunch with some friends or stay at home! I’ll decide then and there I guess! So, no stress for me :)

Although……I discovered today that other people's stress can be contagious. I went to the supermarket today and a lot of the stuff was sold out already, so other people where getting really hot and bothered. They were sighing, complaining, pushing and shoving etc. and I felt the stress creeping in ……. fortunately I encountered a lady in one of the aisles and she was singing along with the Christmas songs, smiling at her daughter and enjoying the whole Christmas experience. She really made my day!


Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Chilled. I so want to be chilled! I have at least written my list so feel a bit more under control now!

Dakota said...

That is a great first step, Aoj

That’s the way to go, Lord Hutton

Phil said...

It's all too easy to loose sight of what Christmas about! :]

Dakota said...

You are soooo right, DoGGa