Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What's next?

I am having a bit of a lousy week. It all started last Sunday. One of my friends was willing to lend me his camera so I could take some "real" photos (most of my pics are taken with my cell phone). I had planned to go to the oldest cemetery in the area. Call me weird, but I like old cemeteries, especially in autumn. There was a time I visited cemeteries every time I went on holiday just to see how other people and cultures honoured their dead.
Sunday, I thought, was the perfect day to visit the old cemetery I had never visited before. The threatening clouds looked just perfect for moody pictures and the fallen leaves would hopefully give the photos just a little bit extra appeal.

Well, I am never going to find out if I was right. When I got to the cemetery the gate was locked. As it turned out, you can only visit these dead folks during office-hours. I was quite flabbergasted because I always assumed that cemeteries only closed between sunset and sunup. And, come on, a lot of people go to the cemetery during the weekends, don’t they?
I wanted to photograph the signs on the gate with the gravestones in the back, but I wasn’t even able to do that. The dead must have had a strange effect on the camera because it went dead right there and then. Of course I panicked. ‘Oh, my got, I’ve ruined the camera. I am going to end up here in the next few days because my friend is going to kill me! OMG just imagine, me lying here and people can only visit me during office-hours. So, no one is ever going to come and visit me…’ I thought to myself.

With my head hanging down I returned to my friend’s home. ‘Back so soon?’ he asked. ‘Yes, because I’ve broken your camera’ I blurted out. ‘No way’ he said ‘did you drop it?’ ‘No, of course not, it just isn’t working!’ ‘Did you check the batteries, before you went’ I had and they were full when I left home. He tried to turn the camera on, but it still wasn’t working. He opened the battery compartment and started to laugh. I can almost hear you thinking ‘oh, the compartment was empty………’ Nooooo, it was NOT!! As it turned out he had given me his old rechargeable batteries. You can recharge them all you want, but they just stay almost empty. You can turn the camera on once and after that they are empty again. *sigh* But at least the camera was all right.

On Monday my cell phone died, or sort of died. I was able to turn it on but the display wasn’t working right. I had to reset the thing, download new software, of course I had to install that and I had it working again after a couple of hours.

Yesterday, my PC went on strike, whatever I tried it just wasn’t willing to start up. When I finally got it working again Photoshop was acting really weird. Luckily I was able to straighten that out again. Hooray!! Sorry about that, I just can’t live without Photoshop (or any other graphic design software, for that matter) ;)

And today, after enjoying just 4 hours of sleep last night, I really messed up an application form I needed to fill in for a temporary job in December. I spilled my tea all over it. Luckily I was able to save most of it and restore the rest, but it took me most of the afternoon.

So, now I am wondering, what’s next? Hopefully nothing….fingers crossed, hey. It almost feels like I am cursed or something. Maybe I shouldn't have gone to the cemetery.*sigh*
Ah, forget it, let’s just be positive, because after all this....

Things can only get better!!! :)


kat said...

Everything is going wrong for me too, Dakata. Stay cheerful - things are bound to buck up sooner or later.

Phil said...

Death takes a Holiday I guess.
I like old cemetaries too, the older the better. We do have some in the area that date back to the Revolutionary times.
That's strange about the camera.

Anonymous said...

What stands out in all of these stories is that in all instances everything turned out fine and often due to your resourcefulness.

b o o said...

no fear, the weekend is near :)

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

And it doesn't help that when you're tired, everything seems so much worse as well. Hope things improve for you D! {hugs}

Dakota said...

For you too, Kat? How peculiar! It’s almost as if there is something hanging in the atmosphere that only affects certain women. I was talking to one of my female friends yesterday and she is having a miserable week too. But hey, don’t let it get you down, things can only get better after a lousy week :)

Do you ever visit those cemeteries, Phil? I don’t know much about the cemetery I wanted to visit. I tried to find some information online, but apparently there isn’t any.

Oh, you are right, Snowqueen. Everything turned out just fine in the end. It’s just a bit frustrating when you are confronted with this sort of stuff day, after day, after day. Thus far everything is going okay today….so fingers crossed; the jinx might have been lifted!

I hope so too, Stu

LOL! Boo, only two more days for me…..and only one more weekday left for you.

I agree, Aoj, when you are tired everything does seem so much worse and dealing with all this makes me even more tired. Luckily I slept better last night, so I feel a bit more human today. How did you do?

Great idea, Lord Hutton, but I can’t stay in bed for four days now can I?

Andre Veloux said...

What is with the Dutch and cemetaries? You are Dutch aren't you? I have a Dutch friend and she is into visiting cemetaries as well. Strange!

As for the bad luck with stuff, its good to get it all out of the way in one day. You know a super good luck day will be on its way.

Dakota said...

I don’t know if it’s a typical Dutch thing, Andre. I am 100 % Dutch btw….. or at least I think I am, I never studied the genealogical records, or made a family tree :)
Anyway, Phil isn’t Dutch and he likes cemeteries too :) But I do admit, I’ve met some other Dutch folks at foreign cemeteries. I guess it is a strange thing to do, but I still like it. I like the tranquil atmosphere, the oldest graves and green areas. A lot of cemeteries are also beautifully landscaped parks.

Okay, let’s hope (and pray) there is a super good luck day on its way!

Oh and just in case anyone is wondering…..I don’t visit the recent graves and I don’t take pictures if there are people around. I don’t want to disturb any grieving people.

Phil said...

Poor Dakota. Some days you win, some days you loose :]

Dakota said...

Oh well, I’ve stopped the poor old me act (for now), DoGGa :) I am looking forward to win(ning) day now :)