Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mind, Body & Soulsession (#23)

Visualizations for insomniacs

Last week we did a bit of exploring into the world of meditation and visualization and today we are going to explore some more. I am going to introduce you to some visualization techniques for insomniacs (or for people who find it very hard to fall a sleep from time to time). Visualizations are very useful for treating insomnia because they help you relax and will reduce stress levels, both very helpful if you want to fall asleep.
Below I will introduce you to two visualizations (or call them exercises, if you want) you can try. You can choose the one that suits you best, or you can make up your own. No matter which one you choose, they both start off in the same way.

To start:
When it is time for bed, get into bed and prepare yourself for a good and relaxing night.
Lie down in a comfortable position, on your back, stomach or side, every position is okay, and try to relax. You can place your hands on your tummy, rest them by your side or put them under your pillow, whatever feels best. Keep your eyes open for now.
Now are you ready, lets go….

Take a deep slow breath through your nose and release it slowly through your slightly opened mouth, like blowing a kiss or blowing out smoke. Exhale fully!
Take another deep slow breath, deeper this time, count up to 8 and fill your lungs all the way. Release it again, very slowly and gently through the mouth, counting up to 8 again.
Close your eyes relax and feel the stress disappear while you’re breathing out.
Take another, deep breath just like the one before. In through the nose, count up to 8, hold it for a second and breath out through the mouth again.
As you exhale, try to relax your muscles, not just one, but every muscle in your body.
If this feels good already you can keep doing this until you fall asleep, but you can also go to the visualizations. Just pick the one you like best and continue. Eyes closed....start visualizing!

Visualization 1
Forget about the bed; imagine yourself lying on a warm, peaceful exotic beach.
Activate all your senses. Feel the sun on your face, hear the waves gently lapping on the shore and try to breathe slow and deep, in time with the waves. You can just lie there or you can even lie in a hammock if you want (feel the gentle sway of the hammock). Whatever you choose, just lie there and relax. After a while walk up to water and feel the warm sand between your toes. You can go for a walk, if you feel like it, or you can go for a swim, the water isn’t going to be cold, it’s your visualization remember, you can make it as hot or cold as you want. Feel the water caressing your body. When you are done walking or swimming it’s time for some additional relaxation. Visualize an air mattress, no you won’t have to inflate it, that’s already done. Place it on the waves and get on it. Lie in a comfy position and float. Smell the sea, taste the salt on your lips, smell the sun lotion (or leave this part out….you can’t get sunburned in a visualization anyway), hear the birds. Listen, smell and experience everything around you. Now slowly let yourself drift, float on the warm waves, drift, drift, feel the breeze on your skin, hear the wave and the splashing of water, experience your tranquil surroundings….. drift, drift of to sleep.
Sweet dreams!!

(I like to use this visualization when I go to the dentist too, only I’ll stay awake then. In that case I just float around on my air mattress enjoying the scenery, forgetting about the horror that’s going on inside my mouth).

Visualization 2.
Imagine yourself leaving a party. The party was in a penthouse on the hundredth floor. You had an amazing night, which you’ve spent with family, friends, celebrities or your boy-/girlfriend, whatever you pick will do. You are the last to go. One more time you glance outside and watch all the light of the city. Next you’ll get your coat and kiss the host(ess) goodbye and you will leave. Outside the door is a corridor, visualize it. At the end of the corridor you will find the elevator which will take you down. Walk toward (create your surroundings whilst walking over) the elevator and push the button. Ping! The elevator is there. Create the inside of the elevator while the doors open. Listen, is there any music playing, does it smell nice, what are the walls like, and how about the floor? Now get in and look for the elevator panel, study it. Give it the look you like. Done? Now press the button for the ground floor, no fooling around here……you are not allowed to hit every button there is ;)
The doors close as you get a last glimpse of the corridor you just created. Feel the elevator move; you are going down in a nice gentle motion. Look for the light that indicates which floor you are on and start counting backwards accordingly. Here we go, that’s floor 99…(breath in)…, floor 98…(exhale slowly)..zzzzz floor 97…… (breath in slowly and deeply)…….floor 96…..(exhale slowly) and so on. While you feel yourself going down, go with the flow, feel the motion. Continue counting, keep visualizing and breathing deeply and slowly. When you are ready just let yourself drift off.
Sleep well!


b o o said...

i'd prefer two pairs of feet in that pic :p and i rather enjoy going to the dentist. weird?

p/s hope your weekedn was nice :)

Dakota said...

Just visualize the second pair, Boo :)

Anonymous said...

I find it very hard to fall asleep sometimes. I'll give these ago.

For some reason I have no difficulty falling asleep at my desk though... especially reading these visualisations!

Dakota said...

That is interesting, Rob! Well, I guess there are a few things you could do:

a)take a nap right here and now…….in that case sleep well :)
b)take your desk home….apparently you’re subconsciously telling yourself it’s a great place to sleep
c)print the visualization and read them over and over
d)get another job or get away from your desk….obviously you are bored stiff. :)

Phil said...

Ooh, I like it! I have a few methods of my own, but I've not tried the elevator one.
It's a bit like couting sheep but much fancier :]

Dakota said...

They say that counting sheep does not work, DoGGa because it is too easy. The elevator thing works for me though; I never made it to the ground floor.