Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cartoon Tuesday: *sigh*


Lord Hutton said...

Been 32 ins waist for years, me.

Kayla said...

Story of my life..
That's why I don't like shopping as much as I used to!

b o o said...

getting there real fast :o)

Max said...

It's the leg length I can never get right.

Phil said...

I've been 32" waist for years, but since 2007 I've put on a stone, so now none of clothes fit properly - I feel £100s of pounds going on 34" waist etc clothing V soon, but it will nice to get some new clobber as always :]

Dakota said...

Impressive, Lord Hutton ;)

Shopping can still be fun, just think outside the box and try a different style of clothing, Kayla

Are you really? I don’t believe you, Boo

That is kind of interesting, Max but I do hope you mean they are always too long ;)

Oh my, DoGGa, 6 kilos can be enough to make you feel really uncomfortable in your clothes. I guess it is time to drop the stone, or shop till you drop :)