Friday, August 11, 2006

Mind the ……..Mushroom!

I am one of those people who loves mushrooms. I am not talking about shrooms or magic mushrooms here (yeah, I know I am boring ;)), I am talking about plain old mushrooms, champignons, button mushrooms. I like them sautéed, in salad’s, on pizza’s, in soup and sauces etc..Yum, yum…..yummy!

Recently, however, I’ve discovered I sometime react very strange to mushroom. Yesterday I ate some creamy mushroom soup, store bought this time, accompanied by a French baguette with herb butter. Again yummy! But 30 minutes after I’d finished my meal the strange reaction kicked in. It all starts with feeling very sleepy and it’s a hard struggle to keep my eyes open. With a little help from my friend Mr. Coffee, I was sort of able to win the battle but not completely though. About 15 minutes later my brain just shuts down or something. I can function, walk around, read and do stuff around the house but it really feels like I am doing it like a zombie. The body is there, the mind is off somewhere else. You can compare it with zoning out, quite a freaky feeling. At the moment I still feel the same way but I know this will wear off during the day. About 24 hours later I’ll be back to my normal self. So, if this post is absolutely rubbish ….please, feel free to blame it on the mushroom.

But here is the thing I don’t get. Magic mushrooms contain Psilocybin which, among other things, can make you feel very sleepy. “Normal” mushrooms do not. So why does my body react to this soup as if I've eaten shrooms. Do they put magic mushrooms in store bought soups? Am I allergic to mushrooms all of sudden? Has anybody heard of such a thing? If you have, please let me know!


Phil said...

Ah, you've been buying those 'special' psychotropic mushroom soups again haven't you!

Strange, maybe you should go for an allergy test?

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I suffer from food intolerances and different things affect me in different ways. I get migraine from the classic triggers: oranges, chocolate and cheese; but I also have a yeast intolerance and that gives me exactly the same symptoms as you describe. The mushrooms combined with the bread could well be the cause, especially if you have been eating a lot of them!

Why not try cutting both out of your diet for a couple of weeks and see how you feel?

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I forgot to say, if you do have such an intolerance do not despair! You can still eat shiitake mushrooms as for some reason they have different make-up to every other mushroom!

Rayya Ghul said...

It could be another ingredient or, as aoj suggests, a yeast overload. I get that effect from eating wheat so I never eat it!

You can test if you are overdosing on yeast/fungus by spitting into a cup of water and leaving it for 1/2 an hour. if it starts growing 'legs' across the surface, it's time to change your diet!

Dakota said...

First of all: I want to say sorry, guys and gals, for replying this late to all your helpful comments.

I hope you are feeling better by now, Stu. I don’t think it’s just a coincidence because I have noticed this weird reaction to mushrooms before. But still it could be health related although I can’t remember being sick after my last weird reaction to mushrooms. I feel okay at the moment too… bugs in my system (at least none that I am aware of). I will keep an eye out :)

I like to be aware of the life I'm living too and that is one of the reasons I don’t do drugs.

Hmmz… allergy test, DoGGa? I am not a big fan of those! Maybe I should just stop consuming those 'special' psychotropic mushroom soups ;) Or maybe I should just listen to Aoj advice.

I think you are on to something, Aoj. I think it could be the mushrooms combined with the bread. These last few days I tried to remember the times I had a similar reaction and almost every time it happened after I ate mushroom soup with bread. When I put mushrooms in a sauce there is no problem what so ever. To test this theory I will eat soup without bread next time :) I don’t believe I have a problem with bread on its own.

That’s just gross Snowqueen ;) Who would want to watch that? Probably me, when this problem isn’t solved any other way :)

Thanks all, for the feedback

Phil said...

Glad you're feeling better. Ah, magic mushrooms. I did them last about 20 years ago. I had made a post about it once. It was such an enjoyable time. I know it's wrong or whatever and I do not condone drug use, but it was an enlightening experince for me that I'm very glad I did. American Indians used them in their ceramonies as did other cultures. It was an incredible sensory experience which I would certainly do again if the opportunity arose. I don't think I'd do LSD (maybe I would) but the shrooms were so mellow and enjoyable. I think the fact that I was mountain bliking with good friends helped my trip too.
I know, I'm an old hippie

Dakota said...

Hi there, Old Hippie. I think a lot of people have experimented with drugs like shrooms, pot or X(tc) when they were young(er). Even I did, but one try was enough for me. If there is any negative side effect, I will surely get it.