Thursday, May 10, 2007

An inconvenient ……….time!

It has taken a while but now it is finally happening. What is, you might ask. Well, my local movie theatre is showing “An inconvenient truth” for free, absolutely nothing, zilch euros. Hooray! According to the initiator it’s important that all the residents of our little city go see this movie. I totally agree, so hooray again!
But then I noticed something strange…. The movie will be shown on weekdays at 3:30 PM. How stupid of them! Do they really think people are going to take the afternoon off so they can watch this movie? If they truly want everyone to see this, they should have picked a more convenient show time. Idiots!!


Max said...

Maybe it should be compulsary in all schools?

b o o said...

i loved that movie. for a free screening they sure picked a goofy time :-]

Andre Veloux said...

I guess you are being a bit harsh, I suppose they don't want to show it in a revenue generating time. But I agree if they really meant that they wanted the residents to see it, then they should have picked an evening.

Phil said...

Never even heard of that one, I'll add it to my 'to watch' list.
Odd time though yeah, but it is free! :[]

Lord Hutton said...

Quite. They aren't going to show it when the could have paying customers.
Go on, take the afternoon off, and get depressed as we destroy the planet

Anonymous said...

It seems to me they want to be _seen_ to be allowing everyone to watch it, but without any of the overcrowding issues which would occur if everyone could actually make it.

Or is that just how cynical UK people would think about the problem?

Dakota said...

That’s a brilliant idea, Max :)

I think it’s a real eye-opener, Boo

I can understand the revenues thing, but this screening is subsidised and they do have multiple screens so they still would make money when they screened it later in the day, Andre.

Huh, have you been living in a cave for the last year, DoGGa? ;)

I don’t have to take the afternoon off, Lord Hutton. I’ve seen it already :)

IMO It’s just an image thing, Stu. Something that will make them look good! Afterwards they can say Our intentions were good, but it just hasn’t worked out!, but maybe that’s just my cynical Dutch way of thinking :)

Phil said...

That is a stupid time to show it. I guess they didn't want to take away from their top money making prime time slot. I feel bad because I have not seen it yet, I am aware of the situation at least. Many americans never even heard of global warming.
(but they know Paris Hilton's dog's name)

Dakota said...

The dog of Paris who? Guess I am more interested in other stuff :)

Stop feeling bad, Phil just watch it. It’s very educational and even funny at times.
I know many Americans have never heard of global warming. The Bush administration is trying very hard to keep the people uninformed (again).

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I've not seen this yet either. I'd take the afternoon off and come over but I'd probably need more than an afternoon wouldn't I?

Dakota said...

Yeah, I guess so, Aoj and it would also mean you’d have to spend a lot of money just to watch a movie for free :)