Friday, June 29, 2007

June 29 – iPhone will be released in the USA.

Unfortunately, I don’t live in the USA so I won’t be able to get an iPhone today, or at least that’s what I thought. Today I discovered that there is a way to get an iPhone today.

Want one too? Just visit this website and get your own iPhone today :-)


b o o said...

i got one of those months ago. doesn't work very well though :)

Dakota said...

I know it has been around for a while, Boo, but I thought today would be the perfect day to put it on my blog for all the people that haven’t seen it yet :)

Lord Hutton said...

That's great! Thank you;-)

Anonymous said...

I want a real one! Right now! Bummer, I live in Germany.

Dakota said...

Glad you like it, Lord Hutton :)

They are available on ebay, Wanderingthinker (for a ridiculous price mind you)

Phil said...

Sexy, but I bet it's not compatible with my car or on offer as free-be with my contract :]

Dakota said...

Who knows they might give it away as a free-be with a new contract, DoGGa We will probably know more by the end of the year.