Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back by popular demand ;- ) Mind, Body & Soul Sessions (#36)

Boost Your Mood.

Are you unhappy, depressed, down or just in a bad mood? Don’t worry this too will pass, it’s not like you are doomed to feel this way the rest of your life. Believe it or not, but the way you perceive things is a learned skill. Everyone can learn how to look at the world through more optimistic eyes. Over the next few weeks I will give you some tips which will hopefully improve your mood and make you feel more optimistic and upbeat.

Tip one: Stand tall.

Did you ever notice how happy and energetic individuals seem to radiate an endless supply of energy? They stand taller, walk faster and take bigger steps than unhappy and pessimistic people who have the tendency slouch, shuffle their feet and walk slowly. It’s like their batteries have gone flat and there is now way to recharge them, but there is! Pay attention to the way you carry yourself. Do you slouch? Do you take tiny steps? Well, now is the time to change that and to change you body posture. Look at the happy and optimistic people around you, how do they carry themselves? Lift your head, walk straight, walk tall and look the world right in the eyes. Of course you can look down if you are looking for cash or something (or feel insecure), but you would be missing a lot of the beautiful things that are all around us.
Take bigger and more powerful steps and try to walk a little bit faster than your usual pace, this will make you feel more energetic and with that energy your levels of happiness will increase.

Alternatively you can try a sport like Nordic Walking, if you don’t mind walking around with a set of funny looking ski poles. Nordic Walking will give you better posture, more energy and you are forced to walk faster.

Next week in MBSS: Tip two.


Andre Veloux said...

I tried Nordic skiing. I really do need to stand tall actually, well seeing as I am only 170cm especially so!

b o o said...

i shall need to try that and soon. i'm feeling a little down & out *sigh*

i know i told u but i do love 'mind & body' sessions

Dakota said...

I know what you mean, Ander. If we, short people, slouch there will be nothing left of us.

Ah poor, Boo, I really do hope that you will start to feel better soon. Has your BP returned to normal values now?

Take care……warm hugs!

Phil said...

Never really thought about walking style before, but yes it seems to me like most people are running on full batteries and I have zero energy or enthusiasm for anything.

Dakota said...

That’s a real shame, DoGGa. Maybe it’s time to recharge your batteries, go on holiday, try something new or focus on your posture… who knows it might work wonders for you.