Thursday, April 19, 2007

An absolute beginner.

In last Friday’s post I told you all that I had changed my exercise routine around and added something new. Oh my, how exciting, I can almost hear you think but, it’s not that exciting. At least, not to most of you. For me however it’s quite a challenge and a new experience, because it’s actually something I cannot do. I know, because I’ve tried it in the past. So what am I doing? RUNNING!(three times a week.)

I actually started to RUN and I am in my third week now! Okay, I’ll admit it, at first the whole running thing looked more like jogging, but according to all the sites I’ve consulted (Libras love a bit of research) that’s how most of the runners start out. They say the first step (and stepping outside in your running gear)

(a picture of my actual first step)

is the hardest, but I’ve discovered that the ones that follow that initial step aren’t a walk in the park either.

Of course I did make all the beginners mistakes: started out too fast - so I was exhausted after just a few minutes, used my old shoes which I had been using for walking, had the wrong socks, used the wrong schedule and so on and so on. So, you can most likely imagine that first week was a real hell, but then I decided to spend some money on good equipment. *sigh*

I always thought that running was one of the less expensive sports, but boy was I wrong. A pair of decent running shoes will set you back at least a 110 euros. Luckily I was able to find a runners shop with a sale on; all last year’s models with a 50% off. Hooray! Who cares if they aren’t fashionable (are running shoes ever?)! I also invested in Coolmax socks, which work wonders for my feet, and then al that was left was a different schedule.

At first I was using a podcast, according to the description very suitable for beginners. I’m not sure what kind of beginners they were thinking about, because I just couldn’t complete the whole first run. After my opening run I felt really depressed and I thought to myself ‘Man, if I can’t even complete this one I am never going to succeed’. The rest of the day I spend sulking, not really sure what to do next, but then it hit me, there just had to be some other schedule that I could follow. So, I went online and there it was, the “from couch to 5K” schedule :) a programme in which you alternate running and walking.

The first week: I ran 10 and walked 40 minutes
The second week: I ran 18 and walked 52 minutes
And this week: I already ran 14 and walked 35 minutes and there is still one more run to complete this week, so I think I am seeing some progress here. Huzzah! For now, I am sticking with this schedule and, who knows, maybe later I'll change back again to the Start to Run podcasts. I am one happy chica (oh my…..lady, I mean) right now. And you know the weirdest thing happened the other day…..: I discovered that I am actually enjoying this whole running, or should I say starting to run, experience :)
Who would have thought? As a kid I never liked sports (I always managed to get out of PE) but I’ve been working out these last couple of years and now I am even starting to enjoy running. Age comes with strange new habits ;)

Oh and I did discover an interesting site Gmap Pedometer: a little hack that uses Google's mapping application to help record distances travelled during a running or walking workout (but you probably already know about that).


Anonymous said...

I know, you will master this challenge, because you are a hell of a disciplined woman, who knows that hard work is the base for every succes. And if me lazy bastard has mastered running, you are the one who will rule!

Some things I've learned during my own runners apprenticeship:

- Running too fast in the beginning could ruin it really fast, it could help to use a heart rate monitor eg from Polar (

- Cross training, that means combining running with yoga or weight training, gives it a real boost

- In the beginning, limit yourself to 3 runs per week, because the muscles adapt very quickly to the stress, but your ligaments and joints need some more time to adapt and having a one day break in between will help to prevent problems.

- What I've found to be quite effective in defining an adequate amount of training was restricting the runs by time and not by distance. So, you don't overcharge in the beginning and adap the challenge to the progress your body makes as an effect of the excellent training
But I think, that you may know this all.

KJ's muse said...

Wow, I'm impressed. I love walking, and do a lot of it, but have never been able to run. Too hard on my knees and it hurts my feet! So I did stairclimbing for a while and also jogging on a mini-trampoline, but have become quite lazy of late and only walk these days. Oh, but bike season's here! :)

Hope the running continues to go well, Dakota!

Phil said...

Trainers are not cheap no, I always find last years cheap ones too :]
I think my knees would snap if I ran, it's something I cannot keep up. I used to run 2 miles at 7mph at the gym, but it used to kill me. Cycling is the way for me, plus less impact on my legs :)

Dakota said...

Thanks for that great advice and motivating words, Wanderingthinker. At the moment I am running 3 times a week (time restricted) and do my other routines (yoga and weights & crunches) on the two other days. In the weekends I only ride my bike :)

I’ll look into those hear rate monitors; I’ve been reading a lot about them!

I had the same problems, KJ’s Muse and that’s why I stopped last time I tried it. This time around it all started to go wrong again, with the added bonus of blisters and raw toes (I have this condition called wintertenen). After changing the shoes and socks, most problems have gone now.

Thanks for the support…………Now get on your bike! ;)

Don’t run if you think you will hurt yourself, DoGGa. Just the other day I was talking to a guy who is walking with a limp because he destroyed his knee (he had some great tips though…best one: don’t push yourself too much and take time to recover).

Anyway, cycling is a great workout too! Keep it up :)

Anonymous said...

I knew, that you know it all!

qaminante said...

Oh you make me feel tired! Nice trainers though (being also a Libra I will stick with the research phase).

Dakota said...

Lol, Qaminante. You know the weirdest thing happens when you start running, at first you feel very tired but later you feel more energized!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

You go girl! I have to say that running is not something that hugely appeals to me but, just now and again, I think maybe it might be worth a try. Then I go sit down and have another cigarette whilst I think about it!! ;)

Andre Veloux said...

Cool, keep up the good work, and keep posting. How long before you run a marathon.

But it is a cheap sport.

Cool road bike = 4000€

Not to mention the shoes 150€

Dakota said...

Lol, Aoj! I know smokers who run, or runners who smoke, but not simultaneously though.
Anyway running (or some other exercise) could really help you with you weight loss efforts :)

I am not interested in running a marathon, Andre, maybe a 5k run….someday :)
I am doing this for fun, to improve my fitness and to keep depression at bay.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

But I dooooo exercise Dakota! I walk my hounds twice a day and cycle back and fore to work 4 times a day. That's quite enough for me thank you !

KJ's muse said...

Will do Dakota! :)

kat said...

I used to run and keep threatening to take it up again. It really does lift the spirits. Good luck with it.

Dakota said...

Oh my, I didn’t know that, Aoj. You must be one healthy and fit lady :)

You go girl! I hope spring has definitely sprung in Canada too, KJ’s Muse

Thank you, Kat. It certainly is a spirit lifter :)

b o o said...

u won't believe this but i started running again as well. i have hid behind my cancer & asthma and put it off for far too long. now i swim twice a week for 20 minutes each and i run twice a week for 15 minutes and walking another 15 back home. it's great.

is that your gear in the pic, nice :) well done D HUGS

b o o said...

and i got myself one of these as well. i love gagdets :)

Dakota said...

OMG, you started running too, Boo? What a strange but wonderful coincidence :) I hope you are enjoying it as much as I do.

I love to swim too but never seem to get around to it. Hmmz… maybe I should take up swimming in the summer. Sounds like a great idea :)

Thanks for the link to the F55….interesting and helpful gadget!

Anonymous said...

Good for you Dakota! Running gets better the longer you do it - a year from now you'll wonder how you ever went all those years without running.

I say that, but I stopped running last November, and need to start the training all over again.

I've got a GPS too - it helps with motivation because you get competitive with yourself.

Dakota said...

I am in my fourth week now and I am still enjoying it, Zoom! I actually look forward to my running days and I think I can truly say I am getting better at it, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Who knows where I’ll be a year from now :)

It’s a shame you stopped running but you can do it again. Good luck to you!